Pastor's Blog >

I Love Jesus Church

March 28, 2023, 10:00 AM

As I am writing this blog I am thinking about how much I love the church of Christ. If we're not careful we can fall into the trap that Satan and his demons have been successful setting. That trap is to get to the point where you no longer love the church of Christ. How does this happen? This happens slowly, like so many things that push us towards disliking or hating something. We have all heard "look at Jesus not man". I understand the thought but I also realize that God uses and chooses humans to lead His church. So what do we do? How do we stay in love with the church? Let's all try this, realize who or what is the church. The people are the church, Jesus is the head and the BOSS (if you want it in modern day terminology.) The Bible commands us to Love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind!!! Next we are to love our fellow man (neighbor), even those we don't like or agree with. Next find a church body you can fall in love with and serve the Kingdom together!!! You are never going to agree 100% with the people or the leadership. If you can't fall in love, then find a home church where you can and let's get busy sharing the gospel with a lost world. Life is short and the stuff we try and have here on this earth is VERY temporary. Plan for eternity and start storing up stuff (treasures) in Heaven!!! Kingdom Minded Humans activate your love!!!       Pastor Mike 

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